A project for HWS – Home World Server.
The owner of HWS is hosting the video game „‚Empyrion – Galactical Survival“ and is producing his own scenario with a unique story and universe setup.
I took over the complete construction of a space station and fulfilled the following requirements:
- Create and maintain responsive and immersive theme design for the EGS faction
- 6 trader stands
- 10 airtight parking spaces for small ships
- 1 large airtight parking lot for capital ships
- 1 official bar
- 1 hidden secret bar – accessible by solving a puzzle
- 1 mission room with mission portal and quest givers
- 1 medical station with all healing devices
- 1 public fast smelter with 20 furnaces – the speed forge
- 4 public construction floor
- 4 appartments with parking lot