Kategorie Game Artist

Game Architect:
I design and create buildings and other structures and their interior fittings.

My skill is to build virtually accessible and usable buildings made of voxels in video games such as Minecraft, Creativerse and Empyrion. I embed them firmly in the environment and place them meaningfully for the game.
I built all of the buildings myself with my personal standards of usability, practicability, comfort and beauty.

Environment Design:
Design known and fictional biomes and planets in Empyrion

Riddles, seasonal events, PDA missions, portal instances, dialog missions, skill challenges in Empyrion

Physics Game – gravity in space

Physics Game – Vacuum Chamber

Sadness Garden

Forest Garden

Desert Garden

Construction Sets

Construction sets with a square grid. – Quick assembly with matching 11×11 parts – Snappoints for all mating parts – I created the parts in different variants so that you can build paths and rooms in all directions – Each… Weiterlesen →

3D Hard Surface Robot Model

Ori PDA Mission

I designed and built this PDA mission for Empyrion myself: I also redesigned the planet itself to match the mission: The last step was to implement the mission to the PDA ~~~~~~~ The Story ~~~~~~~ Ori is a planet of… Weiterlesen →

T.E.A.M. Industries Tower

EGS Racom Station

A project for HWS – Home World Server. The owner of HWS is hosting the video game „‚Empyrion – Galactical Survival“ and is producing his own scenario with a unique story and universe setup. I took over the complete construction… Weiterlesen →

Thermal Bath


Hinter den blauen Vorhängen aus Wasser verstecken sich gemütliche Räume.


Ein Schloss aus Schnee und Eis. Gebaut auf Wolken. Erreichbar über eine riesige Bohnenranke.

Japanischer Zen Garten

Lopenela – Sandsteindorf mit Pferdestall


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